keinen Bock mehr für heute, andauernd :
Fatal error: Connecting to MySQL server 'localhost' failed und Internal Server Error
und noch einen: Fatal error: Invalid SQL: SELECT thread.*, thread_rating.rating AS userRating , IF(subscription.userID IS NOT NULL, 1, 0) AS subscribed, enableNotification, emails, thread_visit.lastVisitTime FROM wbb1_1_thread thread LEFT JOIN wbb1_1_thread_subscription subscription ON (subscription.userID = 41 AND subscription.threadID = 28641) LEFT JOIN wbb1_1_thread_visit thread_visit ON (thread_visit.threadID = thread.threadID AND thread_visit.userID = 41) LEFT JOIN wbb1_1_thread_rating thread_rating ON (thread_rating.threadID = thread.threadID AND thread_rating.userID = 41) WHERE thread.threadID = 28641 LIMIT 1
ich weiß, dass es nichts nützt, diese Meldungen zu posten, aber so macht es wirklich keinen Spass mehr
Ich verstehe das nicht