Beiträge von Yogurt
Lord I hate this if 100% accurate, Karim has always been one of my favorites. Love how he plays the beautiful game.
I'm an American and not too fond of the MLS' playoff system at all tbh. However, that is the way it is with sports over here in the States and I never see that changing. As far as having something somewhat similar in the Bundesliga, I don't really see many pro's to it, more con's to me. Even though we know who always freaking wins it, I just don't see something like this working for the long term.
And really I am quite sure it is more about money than anything else anyway.
Nope, the guy is quite a disaster and next season's crash is predicted. You should bring Enrico Maaßen here, then you won't concede 2 stupid goals against the Stuttgart fairground troupe anymore.
Bet you're fun at parties.
He has been exceptional since taking over. Love how he goes about his business.
I love love love Jako and hate this tbh. Hopefully Castore comes out with something decent. But if too expensive, I will just keep on with what I got now shirt wise.
I'd still be surprised if Seoane screwed up the back four, as much as I appreciate Tapsoba.
I agree no need to change things, Edmond will be important down the home stretch of this season.
Here in the Southern US, a lot of states are getting rid of some covid restrictions as the positive rates have really went down. Good news and hopefully it continues.
2-0 to us. Have a good feeling about this one.
And just wanted to do a quick intro and apologies if I missed an intro thread?
Anyway, been a fan since 2017, am a real American so apologies beforehand :), and looking to get involved. Could never get registered on the old forum lol. Also, can't write or read German so if easier I can use google translate to translate into german before I post? No worries.
Thanks all!
:Bavarian applause :Bavarian applause